‘Gay gene’ researchers won’t give up

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babyIn the British Daily Mail last week, an article was published on a study into ‘gay genes’ by researchers at the Ilia State University in Georgia, and published in Springer’s journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour. Using a computer model, they reckoned that half of the population or even more, carry the ‘gay gene’. Here is the article, our comments, and the comments of 50 readers of the Daily Mail.

The Daily Mail writes:

“Half of us have ‘gay genes’ and the larger a family, the greater the chance of having a homosexual son, controversial study claims

  • Researchers used a computer model to study prevalence of homosexuality

  • Previous research found orientation is influenced by genes to a degree

  • This poses a problem from an evolutionary perspective, because gay men tend to have fewer offspring to whom they can pass on their genes

  • As a result, half of us must have ‘gay genes’ for homosexuality to remain

  • However, the researchers did not identify any specific genes

Around half of straight men and women potentially carry so-called homosexuality genes that are passed on from one generation to the next, according to new research. This has helped homosexuality exist among humans throughout history, even though gay men tend to have fewer descendants who directly inherit their genes, so they claim.

The researchers came to this conclusion using a computational model that, among others, included aspects of heredity and the tendency of homosexual men to come from larger families. However, the researchers did not identify any specific genes and instead the conclusions are based on the fact homosexuality must have a hereditary element.

This idea is reported by Giorgi Chaladze of the Ilia State University in Georgia, and published in Springer’s Journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour.

Chaladze said this poses a problem from an evolutionary perspective, because homosexual men tend not to have many offspring to whom they can provide their genetic material. In fact, they have on average five times fewer children than their heterosexual counterparts. Chaladze used an individual-based genetic model to explain the stable, yet persistent, occurrence of homosexuality within larger populations.

He took into account findings from recent studies that show that homosexual men tend to come from larger families. These suggest the genes responsible for homosexuality in men increase based on the number of children someone has. And this applies to large families that have both sons and daughters, because females also carry the genes. Other reports also suggest many heterosexual men are carriers of the genes that could predispose someone to homosexuality.

Based on Chaladze’s calculations, male homosexuality is maintained in a population at low and stable frequencies if half of the men and roughly more than half of the women carry genes that predispose men to homosexuality. ‘The trend of female family members of homosexual men to have more offspring can help explain the persistence of homosexuality, if we also consider that those males who have such genes are not always homosexuals,’ explained Chaladze.

The possibility that many heterosexual men are carriers can also explain why estimates of the number of men who have reported any same-sex sexual behaviour and same-sex sexual attraction are much higher than estimates of those who self-identify as homosexual or bisexual. According to Chaladze, non-homosexual male carriers might sometimes manifest interest in homosexual behaviour without having a homosexual identity.

The possibility that a large percentage of heterosexual people are carriers of genetic material predisposing to homosexuality has implications for genomic studies. Researchers should therefore consider including participants who do not have homosexual relatives in such studies.”


Our comments:

baby2They are at it again, the ‘Born this way’ mob, looking for the elusive ‘gay gene’, knowing for sure that it is out there somewhere. The most important remark in the whole article is “However, the researchers did not identify any specific genes“.

This means that we now can conclude, as reasonable scientists have done so often before (click here), that there are no genes to be found on this issue. If having ‘gay genes’ is so obvious, then the science of genetics can pinpoint them rather easily, based on all the knowledge this science has on hereditary traits. So once again, it has been proven that the ‘gay genes’ ideology leads to nowhere, no matter how hard they look, compute and investigate.

The problem with this study is the fact that the researchers stated beforehand that gay genes exist. If that is your mindframe to start off with, then all conclusions will lead to this mindframe. And even in this mindframe they still did not discover any gay genes.

The article states: “the conclusions are based on the fact that homosexuality must have a hereditary element“. Oh, must it really? And since when is that a “fact”? These people are locked up in their paradigm.

And now they use a computer model to search for the gay gene. All of a sudden according to the computer, it exists in not just the 3% of the population who identify as gay, but in more than 50% of the male population and 60% of the female population. That is a lot of potential gays and lesbians!

They just don’t want to quit. Neither do the UFO-hunters by the way. They are sure that UFO’s exist, and have used computer models to pinpoint the many, many UFO’s floating around the earth, and which are spying on us. Last week, they managed to see them in the video’s that the International Space Station sends to earth (click here for the video). Alarming footage. Strange that NASA is not getting the ISS back to earth, now that the UFO’s have been identified at last, hovering around the space craft at such a close distance. How can NASA tolerate such a distressing situation?

Luckily, 75% of the British population surveyed last year (click here) does not uphold the ‘gay gene’ mindframe. The survey also showed that 75% of the interviewed homosexuals don’t either.

The many comments placed by the readers of the Daily Mail on the website are very reassuring for us, and are proof that the “born this way” crowd is not becoming mainstream.

Gary Morgan, LondonHome-klein-button-groenA


Comments from the Daily Mail website

Matterofopinion, Southampton, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

The more children you have the greater the chance of having a gay child?! Hardly rocket science surely….


John, Bath, 1 week ago

The Mail are currently working on their next world exclusive “Children with siblings much more likely to be twins than only children”.


DerbyGirl74, Derby, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

So heterosexual men can father homosexual sons. Wow! That’s a shocker.


Laroza, London, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Stupid study. Who is this person wasted time and money to study this?

Kamal khan, london, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Who? Gay man I’m guessing.


Arnold009, hark, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

And where is the evidence for a gay gene? Scientific report peer reviewed?

The Good Doctor66, The Woodlands TX Expat, United States, 1 week ago

I totally agree! I’m a doctor and my wife is a Molecular/ Cellular Biologist & Geneticist, and we would both be very interested to know the identity and supporting data of this “homosexual” gene; but I very much doubt somehow, that will ever happen!


Birchy, Blackburn, 1 week ago

This article starts with the premise that homosexuality is genetic, which is far from proven. Therefore, any conclusions based upon it are spurious at best.


Sir Bob2, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Never been proven to be any genetic evidence other than that manufactured by agenda groups.


Gazreno, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Is this a joke?

hexcat, London, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

No, it’s a loony left wing blob of propaganda masquerading as science.


SamsonSnacker, The Gate, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

There’s no such thing as that gene, if everyone was then there would be no human race, everyone’s free to do what they wish, but stop with this nonsense!


jamebt, London, 1 week ago

I’m bi, does that mean I only have a couple of “gay genes” rather than the full set or does it just mean I’m not picky? I don’t buy the whole “gay gene” thing.


Miss Floribunda Rose, The Twilight Zone, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Only fools define themselves by their ‘sexuality’. (I was banned by Pink News for coming out with this sort of crap. Oh well, their loss. Titter!)


Scottytoohotty, Neverland, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

The more children you have, the higher chance one will be born with 10 legs.

Miss Floribunda Rose, The Twilight Zone, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

I have six.


Bobbobbie, London, 1 week ago

What a load of rubbish


bntheredonethat, london, 1 week ago

Oh please !!!!


Madridboy, Madrid, Spain, 1 week ago

I’m gay and think this article is a complete joke.


SunshineLily, Anywherebuthere, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

And the problem in this is…? Is DM warning us against having big families??


Davey Bey, Somewhere Else, 1 week ago

Liberal academia planting the seed of doubt into peoples minds.


Johnstheboy, West bergholt, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Another load of nonsense


Kissmygrits_7, Washington DC, United States, 1 week ago

I’m a straight woman and I hung out real tough in the gay world for about three years. I’ve listened to so many gay men and women tell their story and the one thing that’s consistent amongst all of them… A form of rejection . Losing someone they loved( a break up), family issues… 99% of them. I even waited for a train to come and had a transgender person just come out and tell me they were. They just felt comfortable telling me and it was a moment I will never forget and I had to think that had to be hard to do because you don’t know how the other person is going to react… Gay gene… No. It’s triggered by a few different things but a gene ain’t one of them.

hapspoons, Bristol, 1 week ago

So in other words, the more people you look at, the higher the chances that one or more will be gay. Brilliant. An intimate insight into the blindingly obvious.


yorkieboy, Dronfield, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Complete & utter twaddle !


fin the human, Brizzol, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Next, study to show that water is wet.


David Whitmore, Marrakech, Morocco, 1 week ago

Next,if you look up there is a good chance the sky will be blue.Can I have some more funding ,please.


JaneGrace, Welwyn, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

My God, the larger the family the greater the chance of having a gay son?! This is astonishing and a mathematical conundrum!I Who would have thought that the larger the family the more.chance of having kids with anyone particular trait?! So if you had twenty kids you may even give birth to a genius who goes on to be a science journalist for the Daily Mail.


BBCphobe, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

What a load of politically correct cultural marxist rubbish.


Aliyah84, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

What utter nonsense


Thomasnorth, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

I’m a gay man. There’s a lot more closeted people out there than you think. But I do believe it’s genetic


Shaun, London, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Pure speculative twaddle.


Long suffering, Leicester, United Kingdom, 6 days ago

I wonder how many of the “researchers” were homosexual (the correct description).


Miserable Bleeder, Last Hope, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

There is no scientific evidence for a gay gene.


My Pointless Views, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

That’s an amazing finding. You mean, the larger the sample size, the more chances there are finding more people with the trait you’re looking for – simply amazing ! Revelations like could revolutionise statistical methodology. Who ever would have thought it, eh ! Ilia Uni should be nominated for the Nobel Prize for Statistics. Talk about stating the bloody obvious. I wonder how many other earth shattering findings like this are just waiting to be made public ? Give me strength !

My Pointless Views, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

So ‘half of us have gay genes’ – do we really ? Is that so ? You really are speaking for yourselves on this one, trust me !


Newps, RI, United States, 1 week ago

I’m gay and I think this is a silly article. There are obviously more gays now and the numbers will continue to rise as there is more acceptance and people don’t hide. Acceptance and people don’t hide. Clearly a larger family will have a higher chance of a gay child. Silly study.


Saint Steve, Vernon Hills, United States, 1 week ago

Propaganda alert


Spartan Man 06, London, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

This is Cultural Marxist propaganda. Scientists have still not found any evidence that a ‘gay gene’ exists, and that’s a fact!

Chris, Tamworth, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Has this Gay gene been isolated yet? No? Thought not. Isn’t it just as, if not more, possible that children brought up with Gay parents would be molded by the experience? There does seems to be enough evidence to support that. Hereditary v. environment – that age old argument which this article does nothing to shed light on.


Getaneducation, Mid Levels, Hong Kong, 1 week ago

Not in your genes, not born gay. Develop a ‘preference’ over time; due mainly to nurture and life events.


StraightTalker, Tunbridge Wells, 1 week ago

Another load of tosh by the gay lobby. Don’t believe a word of it.


greenAndPleasantLand, Leicester, 1 week ago

‘… the conclusions are based on the fact homosexuality must have a hereditary element …’ – hmmm, everything has a hereditary element, as well as a very large environmental influence. I wonder which lobby group funded this rather shoddy-sounding research to promote their personal agenda.


leftard-__-idiocracy, IDIOCRACY, United Kingdom, 1 week ago

Pure cultural marxism.

Fergus Sira-Lexon, England, 1 week ago

I’m not having this gay genes nonsense. I’m definitely a nurture over nature person when it comes to who or what turns people on in adulthood, gay or straight. Show me a gay man and I’ll show you somebody who was extremely close to their mother and/or older sister in childhood and/or had some sort of sexual encounter with a male in childhood. Just look at the life stories of every famous gay man and it’s there.


redbull, cadiz, Spain, 1 week ago

So half the population is bi really. No surprise there!
