A unifying theory of the term ‘homophobia’, part 2: the psychological perspective

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The psychological approach to understanding the use of the term ‘homophobia’ raises questions. To what extent are gay activists merely faking to read other people’s mind, and to what extent is this a projection of their own phobias towards sexual intimacy with the opposite sex and of their own hostile attitude? To what extent is the term ‘homophobia’ no more than a cheap abuse of psychology, and in which way is this abuse becoming a deadly weapon in the persecution of dissident thought to secure supremacy in the Western narrative? Continue reading A unifying theory of the term ‘homophobia’, part 2: the psychological perspective

A unifying theory of the term “homophobia”, part 1: the historical perspective

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Let us jump right into the thick of it: homophobia does not exist. The term is a social construct and is a projection of the hatred and mistrust towards society that has been generated within the radical gay movement, which started around 1970. By projecting your hatred and heterophobia onto the other guy, your conscience is clear and pure. And the other guy is as guilty as they come. All we then need to do is to hunt for grievances. Continue reading A unifying theory of the term “homophobia”, part 1: the historical perspective

David van Gend: “Banning therapy, banning liberty”

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Dr. David van Gend

David van Gend is a Queensland doctor and president of the Australian Marriage Forum. At the Church and State Summit in Brisbane in February 2019, he gave a talk about the current situation in the Australian state of Victoria. The new Labour Party premier Daniel Andrews is currently doing his share of work for the therapy-ban, which the National Center of Lesbian Rights in San Francisco called for in 2014. “If there are no spontaneous complaints, then find them”, such is the campaign slogan.

A biased study group found just 15 disgruntled Australians with bad outdated stories to tell about so-called “religious conversion therapy”. They never interviewed persons who were not disgruntled,  and who had perhaps happily left the LGBT-world behind them. This was not a study seeking academic balance; it was a hit job on pastors, doctors and counsellors who dare to defy LGBT orthodoxy.

Continue reading David van Gend: “Banning therapy, banning liberty”

The Bastion Of Gay-lib Supremacy And Ways To Scale The Walls

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In this article, we will analyze how the radical factions within the Gay Liberation Front have evolved over the last five decades and have managed to monopolize public opinion and are seeking to marginalize all dissidence, even within the emancipation movement. Then we will suggest how persons with moderate views can regain the initiative for compassionate client care. Continue reading The Bastion Of Gay-lib Supremacy And Ways To Scale The Walls