Category Archives: Gender Identity Confusion

California ex-trans teen calls for ban on Medicaid funds for affirming delusions

“I may not be able to have children and I’m at higher risk for cancer because of efforts to suppress my gender”. A California teen girl, Chloe Cole (17), is speaking out in favor of a Florida rule blocking Medicaid funds for the most recent hype of activism. She once went along with the new post-feminist and extremist cult of gender relativism and, as a child aged 13, was subjected to gender-erasing hormones and surgery. She feels that Medicaid should no longer pay for these interventions which consolidate gender confusion for life. Continue reading California ex-trans teen calls for ban on Medicaid funds for affirming delusions

You cannot convert from one sex to the other, pediatricians prove

Pediatricians prove that the idea of converting from one sex to the other is not based on any science. They have proven that biology does not change, it is only the mental self-image which is at stake, and usually temporarily. Up to 98% of gender identity conflicts resolve over time. Biden, however, wants men with the ‘Gender Identity Conflict’ mental condition to compete in sports with natural biological women as if they were real women. Where transgenders seek moral equality, Biden takes it one step further and introduces physical equality. Those dudes are women alright, can’t see the difference, so he claims. Now, what on earth gave him that idea? Collision alert! Continue reading You cannot convert from one sex to the other, pediatricians prove

For radical trans-activism, critical thinking has become ‘offensive’

There are some things trans activists simply don’t want to learn about. That’s one of the lessons from a recent and on-going attempt to torpedo a study about gender dysphoria. In a letter dated January 27, 2021, the radical-activist California LGBTQ Health and Human Services Network recently discouraged people with gender dysphoria from participating in a study by the UCLA Semel Institute. Why? Continue reading For radical trans-activism, critical thinking has become ‘offensive’

96% of transgender youth engage in self-harm: study

A new study reveals that virtually all transgender students are self-harming in Scotland. The pro-gay “Stonewall” school report for Scotland with the University of Cambridge shows 96 percent of the country’s transgender youth engage in self-destructive behavior, including cutting themselves. The report also found “incredibly high levels” of mental health issues in transgenders. Continue reading 96% of transgender youth engage in self-harm: study

Truth-telling is a revolutionary act, especially about transgenderism

Mayor Basil Zempilas

In a recently published article, former gay activist James Parker from Australia writes about how the new mayor of Perth (State of Western Australia) gave radio listeners a lesson in biology and was savaged for his candour. Here we republish it.

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By James Parker, 29th October 2020.

“Basil Zempilas, Western Australian media presenter and newly elected Lord Mayor of Perth, has expressed a personal opinion on his breakfast radio show about the transgender community. What Zempilas said to his show co-host Steve Mills was what science and biology has concretely stated for millennia: “If you’ve got a penis, mate, you are a bloke. If you’ve got a vagina, you are a woman. Game over.” The result of this personal opinion? Perth’s LGBTQ+ community have responded with an intolerance that has gone into overdrive.

Continue reading Truth-telling is a revolutionary act, especially about transgenderism

Psychiatric Journal admits: surgery and hormones are not the way to go with gender-confusion

The American Journal of Psychiatry says it got it wrong last year when it came to analyzing the numbers in a large study of transgender patients undergoing sex-reassignment surgery. Last fall, the journal published the results of the study and said it found the surgeries improved patients’ mental health. But this week, CBN News found out that as of 2020 the journal had retracted its findings, saying a second look at the subject found no improvement at all. According to Life Site News, the authors now say that gender-confused people who undergo ‘gender-reassignment’ surgery are more likely to be treated for anxiety disorders than those who don’t have such surgery. Mainstream media are now, however, engaged in a cover-up, Continue reading Psychiatric Journal admits: surgery and hormones are not the way to go with gender-confusion

Gender Identity Confusion, part 4: “Transgender activism delivers a hoax”

In this article, we analyze propaganda coming from activist transgender websites. We will show how, for example, Julia Serano is adding new paradigms to the Western narrative in an effort to mainstream the most extreme views that activists can generate. The world is being turned upside down in order to re-define a personal sense of normality. Continue reading Gender Identity Confusion, part 4: “Transgender activism delivers a hoax”

Gender Identity Confusion, part 2: “The Realities Of Suicides”

Little does the general population know the realities of life as a transgender. Gay-lib disinformation campaigns appear to deliberately keep everyone ignorant. Unfortunately, gender confusion is not a state of happy bliss in which an individual has supposedly become “who he is”. That is far too simple. It is an ongoing turbulent mental condition which consists of auto-aggressive behavior with an endlessly churning maelstrom of sadness, hatred and self-harm. Bystanders are paralyzed in their responses, beholding seemingly true Martians in their midst. The metamorphosis looks human and yet non-human, or at least, not like me. Awestruck, the on-lookers know no reflex but to gaze. Continue reading Gender Identity Confusion, part 2: “The Realities Of Suicides”

Gender Identity Confusion, part 1: A New Epidemic In Western Society

In the last five years, “transgender” is being hyped by liberal media as the new human rights issue. It is made to look exciting and exotic, as if anthropologist Margaret Mead, renowned for her 1940 expeditions to study tribes in the Pacific Ocean, has discovered a new island. This aggressive crusade has eclipsed the emancipation movement of the 20th century when women’s rights and homosexuality were the core themes. We see mental problems being denied out of existence, thereby breaking with a 100 year tradition of sound research. In this series, we will demonstrate how the well-trodden paths of psychiatric facts are making way for a mythological dreamy state. Continue reading Gender Identity Confusion, part 1: A New Epidemic In Western Society