Tag Archives: same-sex attractions

The false notion of ‘sexual orientation’

At the JONAH trial in 2014, radical gay activists and gay members of the American Psychological Association managed to close down an orthodox Jewish mutual support group (JONAH). The aim of the activists is to eradicate religious organizations who oppose radical gay-lib ideology. The extremists succeeded in doing so, and are anxious to close down more dissidence to their world-view, be it religious, secular or otherwise (People Can Change, Narth, etc.).

At the trial, the activists managed to hand in a lengthy report by APA activist Lee Beckstead. Continue reading The false notion of ‘sexual orientation’

The Attack on PCC, part 4: the Harm Issue

The alleged ‘harm’ issue is heavily marketed by radical gay-lib. In this article, we will address the issue of the so-called ‘testimonies’, placing them into reasonable context, and the issue of the ‘harm’ that would be perpetrated by professional licensed, secular psychotherapists. In ten paragraphs we will demonstrate in detail that these issues are totally unfounded by all standards of scientific scrutiny. Continue reading The Attack on PCC, part 4: the Harm Issue

Ex-gays are basically bisexuals, a life-saving opinion

bisexual3Ex-gays would do well in light of the current wave of persecution to call themselves bisexual. The bisexual identity is protected by American law. At this time, extremist gay-lib takes offense at the phrase ‘unwanted’ same-sex attractions. This phrase is very often used by clients and therapists alike to describe the fact that people who experience same-sex attractions want to look into, and develop their innate heterosexual potential. But for gay-lib it is the motor of persecution in court and through legislative bodies in American states. Continue reading Ex-gays are basically bisexuals, a life-saving opinion

The Attack on PCC, part 3: The Sexual Orientation Issue

flat-worldIn previous articles, we have written about the allegations used by organized radical gay-lib in their attack on PCC, proving them not to be valid (part 1, click here.) In part 2 we have analyzed and debunked the alleged non-compliance of PCC with FTC legislative standards (click here). In part 3 we will analyze the paradigms of the radical gay-lib attack on PCC when it comes to Sexual Orientation, proving these paradigms to be discriminating and repressive to the American people, to be diminishing informed consumer choices, and to be unduly burdening on legitimate choices, all of which are in violation of the goals and standards of the Federal Trade Commission. Continue reading The Attack on PCC, part 3: The Sexual Orientation Issue

The Attack on PCC, part 2: the Legislation Issue

opression-hands-tied-upIn a previous article, we have written extensively about the attack by radical gay-lib on the group ‘People Can Change’.  We analyzed the allegations against PCC, proving them not to be valid (click  here.)

We will further expand on the issue by looking into the FTC goals and legislation itself.

We wish to provide more arguments to the defense of PCC. This is no bedtime story, this is a clash of paradigms. Radical gay-lib has declared WAR. Buckle up. People with unwanted same-sex attractions do not intend to march into the homosexual darkroom with exit doors deliberately kept closed. Continue reading The Attack on PCC, part 2: the Legislation Issue

The Attack on ‘People Can Change’, part 1: The Allegations

pcc-menExtremists are attacking the peer encounter group ‘People Can Change’. They apparently hope to close down all professional and not-for-profit organizations for not complying to the “born that way” ideology. All dissident views are considered ‘fascist’. Several intolerant, extremist anti-exgay groups have now joined together in March 2016 to file a complaint at the Federal Trade Commission, a tactic they hope that works to prohibit ex-gays from meeting or supporting one another. Continue reading The Attack on ‘People Can Change’, part 1: The Allegations

Richard Wyler interview on BBC 2 Radio

bbcIn a twenty minute interview at the BBC, the founder of People Can Change, Richard Wyler from Virginia USA, explains what PCC does and in what way he chooses to do other things with same-sex attractions than adopt the political ‘gay’ label. He does not want some sexual feelings to totally define who he is as a personal identity or to define a lifestyle: “I am not going to make the life choices about who I love based on political correctness”. Continue reading Richard Wyler interview on BBC 2 Radio

Dutch lesbian divorce rate rockets sky high

lesbian marriageAccording to the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) yesterday, the probability that a Dutch marriage does not endure, is greatest in lesbians. More than 30 percent of the 580 lesbian marriages in 2005, ended ten years later in divorce. This conclusion was published by the Bureau after researching the number of marriages and divorces since the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2001 (click here). A marriage between two men appears to last longer, but after ten years more than 15 percent of same-sex male marriages ended in divorce. With heterosexual marriages the average percentage is slightly higher: 18 percent. Continue reading Dutch lesbian divorce rate rockets sky high